Garden of Prosperity

Garden of Prosperity

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روضة السعادة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Muslim Home Educators and Community Outdoor Hub

Welcome to

روضة السعادة

Garden of Prosperity

Garden of Prosperity

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To create a beautiful and multi-purpose space, providing an enriching, nurturing, comfortable, educational and recreational environment in-line with our Islamic ethos.

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.

Your generous donations help us to benefit Muslim home educating families and others within the community.

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.

Become a member to access the outdoor space, join workshops and events, and connect with others in the home educating community.

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.

We are always looking for volunteers to help with maintenance of our site, teaching, leading workshops and gardening.

What we aim to offer

Open sessions for home educating families

We will be open for home educating families to use the space for free classes, workshops, collaborative learning, gardening, various clubs, or simply a place to conduct individual learning in a safe outdoor space.

We will be open for home educating families to use the space for free classes, workshops, collaborative learning, gardening, various clubs, or simply a place to conduct individual learning in a safe outdoor space.

Under 5s sessions

Toddlers and preschoolers can explore the outdoors, play in the indoor and outdoor sensory spaces, or attend dedicated sessions for under 5s.

Toddlers and preschoolers can explore the outdoors, play in the indoor and outdoor sensory spaces, or attend dedicated sessions for under 5s.

School holidays

Children who regularly attend a school can also benefit from our space. During the school holidays, we will run workshops and events, and open the space for all children.

Children who regularly attend a school can also benefit from our space. During the school holidays, we will run workshops and events, and open the space for all children.

Islamic schools

We will collaborate with private Islamic schools to also extend an opportunity for their children to have access to a green space.

We will collaborate with private Islamic schools to also extend an opportunity for their children to have access to a green space.

Men and boys

Most weekends will be dedicated to workshops/open sessions for men and boys, offering a great opportunity for fathers/grandfathers/male role models to bond with boys and youngsters.

Most weekends will be dedicated to workshops/open sessions for men and boys, offering a great opportunity for fathers/grandfathers/male role models to bond with boys and youngsters.

Over 55s

In the community we serve, many older women cannot easily access outdoor spaces. We aim to offer sessions for over 55s to take part in gardening and interact with nature.

Opportunities will also be provided for the older generation to share skills with the younger generation.

In the community we serve, many older women cannot easily access outdoor spaces. We aim to offer sessions for over 55s to take part in gardening and interact with nature.

Opportunities will also be provided for the older generation to share skills with the younger generation.

Girls fortnightly youth club

We aim to offer a youth club for girls aged 12-16 where they will be provided opportunities to learn/teach useful skills and hobbies.

We aim to offer a youth club for girls aged 12-16 where they will be provided opportunities to learn/teach useful skills and hobbies.

Our site projection

Initial stages

This is our current site made up of 5 plots at an allotment space.

There is a car park leading to a road adjacent to our site.

There is also a bus stop right outside of the allotments we are based at.

The closest salah facility is a 15 mins walk for boys.

Ease of accessibility is really important to us.

Our funds will also allow us to purchase our own portaloo on site.

This is our current site made up of 5 plots at an allotment space.

There is a car park leading to a road adjacent to our site.

There is also a bus stop right outside of the allotments we are based at.

The closest salah facility is a 15 mins walk for boys.

Ease of accessibility is really important to us.

Our funds will also allow us to purchase our own portaloo on site.

Indoor space

Our indoor space is the most ambitious part of our project. Creating a space accessible all year round which will be used by the majority of our community. A space for sheltering, workspaces, workshops, mother and toddler sessions, or for a selection of regular clubs and events.


A lovely space incorporating growing within a peaceful garden theme. Try your hand at designing a bed, growing veggies, herbs, edible hedging, fruit and nut orchard, foods from the sunnah, composting, wormery, ornamental and seasonal plants and flowers. We are also lucky to have a space at our sister site at a different allotment location where we hope to add large polytunnels to house our more sensitive plants and vines.

Other spaces

Boys only cabin

Woodshop/DIY workspace

Onsite forest school

Outdoor cookery

Children’s sensory garden

Empty Forest

Forest school


What's special about our forest school sessions?

Structured, unstructured, Islamically integrated sessions, onsite and offsite!

Ages 0-11

Notice Board


Watch this space to keep up to date with our forthcoming events/workshops throughout the year!

Flowers in the Garden


Have you got any skills to share? Would you like to mentor others like you? Maybe you like working with children or toddlers? Do you enjoy landscaping, design or gardening?

We are always looking for enthusiastic individuals to give some of their precious time and be a part of this rewarding initiative!

click here to get in contact


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Garden of Prosperity is currently a work in progress.

We have an exciting vision which can only come alive with your generous du'aas and donations.

How can you support us?

1. Remember us in your precious du'aas

2. Share our website and spread the message and our vision

3. One off donations

4. Monthly recurring donations

5. Bank transfer

To make a monthly recurring donation via Paypal please click here


SORT CODE: 60-15-48 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 72057580

We are humbled by your kind du'aas and extremely grateful for your support.

This support will help us to continue our work and enable us to broaden it further insha'Allah.

May Allah Ta'aala accept from all.




Membership benefit:

Access for Home educating families all year round in all areas of the site.





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- Garden of Prosperity

Site address for visiting

Entrance by prior appointment only


Blakenhall Rd, lE5 4LD, Leicester, Uk